It is now the season of Ramadan for Muslims all over the world at the moment, and that says all Muslims will be fasting…

How can you show up for them this period?

Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic calendar, a time for spiritual connection by prayer, fasting from food and drink between sunrise and sunset, reading of the Qur’an, and increased generosity.

Here’s how to support your friends, colleagues, and neighbors

Do well to buy them fruits or food: Fruits are a great way to be energized and well-nourished while fasting. Ask them if it’s okay to buy them fruits. Then go to a fruit stall and buy a fruit basket for your Muslim friends, neighbors, and colleagues. You can also cook or order food for them.

Do not run away when they see you eating: this is usually very common but it is very important to know that when your Muslim friends are fasting, they can be around food and even watch you eat. You make it awkward whenever you make a big deal of the fact that they can’t eat and you can.

Do mind your business if you see them eating:

There are many reasons why they might eat during Ramadan, don’t be the fasting police if you see any of your Muslim friends eating. They might have health or personal reasons for doing so.

Don’t schedule meetings during prayer times

Many Muslims would love to observe their five-time prayers. Supporting your Muslim colleagues during this period means allowing them to pray by not scheduling meetings during prayer times.

Don’t taunt them with food:

It’s not funny to make fun of the fact that they are fasting or say things like, ‘I bet you want to eat the chicken I am eating, but you can’t because you are fasting’. It’s an inconsiderate joke and may appear insensitive at the same time, be moderate with your disposition.

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