Rose decided to wake up by 4am to get ready for work. She needed to clear her head, and for the 3 hours she spent getting ready, she only thought about one thing: “How was I such a toy for Matthew?” She ruminated over these thoughts as she turned on the shower, and the tears streamed down her cheeks.

Rose had met Matthew after one of her many movie nights alone, while she was heading home. His red car drove past her and then back to where she stood. He offered to drive her home; she wanted to decline because her Uber was almost there, but… the young man appeared harmless, so she reasoned that a ride home wouldn’t be such a bad idea. When Rose answered the phone, he introduced himself as Matthew, but she could call him Matt; it wasn’t a bad name, Rose reasoned, “I am Rose,” Matthew responded. I am a pharmacist, and I work here in Ilorin and Ibadan. None of that information mattered to Rose because she just needed to get home to her roommate, whom she couldn’t wait to tell about the movie she had earlier seen at the theater.

Matthew drove Rose home that night, and they had fun talking about common interests. He was fun, she thought. Even though he had a sorta funny accent that seemed not so welcomed and his car had an odd smell but in a bad way, still, she thought it welcoming for that night.

She didn’t think about him or remember anything because all she wanted was to be alone. Rose is a 23-year-old ambitious writer, full of love and life, and an internet extrovert, but she prefers not to be seen in public. She considers her life to be tethered to the exact direction she did love, a very satisfying life she lives with a good enough job to keep her away from men who believe women are only interested in money. She had so much going on for her, for which she was incredibly grateful. She had a distinct charisma, with soft dark skin and soulful brown eyes that made you want to look again, and everything she wore fit because her finely shaped curves aided that performance. She was special, and she knew it, and everyone who met her resonated.

On the other hand, Matthew made it a point of duty to call in and check up on Rose at work, they will go to lunch together and had such sweet laughs as he drove her back to the office. He was consistent and it didn’t take time before Rose started to think Matthew had a good smile. She thought his two facial tribal marks were not all that bad. Although Matthew was not as fleshy as she wanted, she was willing to look past that to have a good time. Oh, did I forget to mention Rose was in a relationship when Matthew came into the picture… The story just got steamed.


15 thought on “ROSES ARE NOT ALWAYS RED”
    1. I Love this piece. I love that Rose is awaew of and took her time to tell us the amazing things about herself before digging into Matthew’s. I love that the ‘Rose’ is blooming.

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